Department of Adult Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation

The Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program was established at KHCC over 17 years ago.  The pediatric program is the only comprehensive state-of-the-art dedicated pediatric transplant program in Jordan, and one of the largest and most successful programs in the in the Eastern Mediterranean Region to perform sophisticated blood and marrow transplant procedures.  It has high success and cure rates comparable to international ratios.

The program currently performs around 100 bone marrow transplants annually, as the number of transplants has gradually doubled. Since its establishment, the program has performed more than 1,000 pediatric bone marrow and stem cell transplants from all stem cell sources, including:

  • Autologous transplants
  • Allogeneic blood and bone marrow transplants (related and unrelated)
  • Haploidentical transplants
  • Cord blood transplants (related and unrelated)


New technologies such as advanced cell separation and bone marrow transplants from mismatched and unrelated donors have been introduced, and many experienced and specialized consultants have been recruited.

Education and Training Activities

The program offers a one-year training program in bone marrow transplantation for qualified physicians who have completed three years in pediatric hematology and oncology.